The two Bulldog Boats are 7 meter HDPE workboats fitted with single OXE Marine 150hp diesel outboards, supplied by Proteum.
This vessel is designed to carry around 16 tons of bagged seaweed in a single trip. The seaweed is cut and collected, then placed in floating bags with a one-ton capacity each. Up to 16 of these bags are safely secured to the vessel for transportation to the processing plant. The seaweed is sorted, dried, and processed at the plant for global distribution.
The adoption of OXE diesel outboards is due to the diesel outboards much higher torque output enabling more seaweed to be transported per journey, maximising the efficiency of the operation.
Due to their remote location self-sufficiency is critical to smooth operations consequently two engineers and the Projects Director for Uist’s Asco spent three days at Proteum’s facilities in Hamble during April, receiving training on the service and maintenance of the OXE outboards.
For information about OXE Diesel Outboards, contact [email protected]