Question: What can prevent a 16,000-ton container ship from departing on schedule and costing thousands of pounds per day?
Answer: A SOLAS lifeboat. If the lifeboat is not operational, the crew’s safety is compromised, and the ship cannot leave port. Recently, the CMA CGM VENTANIA, a 161-meter container ship, was unable to depart due to a failed lifeboat engine that needed replacing.
Luckily, Proteum had the Bukh DV29 engine in stock and is currently shipping it to Curaçao, mid-Pacific, for installation, allowing the ship to move forward. Proteum is the UK and Ireland distributor for BUKH and carries a selection of new engines in various horsepower, including the BUKH V8 P Series ranging from 300hp to 530hp. They also offer an extensive range of parts for older engines.

If you’re interested in purchasing a new engine, please don’t hesitate to contact [email protected].
For BUKH parts, please reach out to [email protected].