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Victor Mobility

Reaching the impossible for our clients!

This project is a testament to our skilled engineers dedication and commitment in turning one man's vision into a life-altering solution

Phil and Julia

Making the impossible, possible!


SC Innovation has successfully created and developed fully validated pre-production versions for a ground breaking mobility device design, based on our client’s vision and early concept demonstrator.


Our client approached SC Innovation to conduct a critical friend review of their revolutionary mobility device concept. They selected us because we were trusted to work openly and collaboratively to share our knowledge and expertise in fundamental fields such as mobility, human factors, electric drive, control precision and rapid manufacturing, allied with our passion for improving people’s lives through technology and design.


After undergoing a critical friend review, it became apparent that significantly more development was required to achieve our client’s vision than they had imagined. Working closely with the client to re-evaluate the specification, SC Innovation subsequently re-imagined the concept design and undertook the engineering, production and verification testing to ensure that the pre-production mobility device met, and, in many cases, surpassed our client’s performance expectations.

Building on the critical friend review results, we made significant modifications to the mobility device to enhance mobility, control, comfort, usability, ergonomics and production design. These modifications were made amidst a global pandemic to ensure that the completed devices made the deadline for shipping to the Para Olympics.

SC Innovation assembled a multidisciplinary team of experts and supporting supply chain to ensure exacting standards and deadlines were met. Through this approach, the means to significantly shorten ‘industry standard’ timelines for medical device development was
found, resulting in an achievement in which we and our client are immensely proud.


“We worked with SC Innovation to further develop our device from initial prototype to preproduction prototypes. Overcoming many challenges, not least the Covid pandemic, the team persevered and we were able to take the device to the Tokyo Paralympics. The engineering team where exceptional and have provided a quality solution that will benefit many people around the world on a daily basis.”

Phil Eaglesham
Founder, Conquering Horizons